
by Magzter Inc.
8.45.1 - Jun 1, 2023

Globally acclaimed magazines, just a tap away!

Screenshots of Magzter

About Magzter

Magzter: A World of Magazines at Your Fingertips

In today's digital age, staying informed and entertained has never been easier, thanks to Magzter, the ultimate magazine-reading app. With its vast collection of thousands of publications from around the world, covering a wide range of genres and languages, Magzter offers a truly immersive reading experience for enthusiasts of all interests.

Whether you're passionate about sports, travel, technology, photography, science, music, politics, fiction, economics, or any other subject, Magzter has got you covered. Its extensive catalog features an impressive array of magazines, each offering unique perspectives and captivating content. From the latest trends in the tech world to breathtaking travel destinations and in-depth analysis of global affairs, Magzter brings the world's best publications right to your fingertips.

But that's not all—Magzter goes beyond traditional magazines by providing exclusive content and the latest news updates. The app offers a selection of free publications that provide tantalizing glimpses into the world of celebrities, with captivating headlines and intriguing interviews. These limited versions give you a taste of the captivating content you can expect from Magzter's full-fledged magazines.

To unlock the full potential of Magzter and delve into the comprehensive content offered by its magazines, you can subscribe to Magzter Gold. This premium subscription service provides unlimited access to a staggering collection of over 7,500 magazines, newspapers, and premium content. Whether you're a casual reader or a voracious consumer of information, Magzter Gold ensures that you have a wealth of reading material at your disposal.

One of the standout features of Magzter Gold is its generous sharing policy. With a single subscription, you can extend access to the app and its content to up to four members of your household. This means that everyone in your family can enjoy the diverse range of magazines, fostering a culture of knowledge and shared experiences.

Magzter Gold is priced at a modest 9.99 euros per month, making it an affordable choice for the vast library of content it offers. However, if you're looking for even greater savings, Magzter provides discounted rates for one-year, two-year, and three-year subscriptions. This allows you to enjoy your favorite magazines at a reduced cost while immersing yourself in the limitless possibilities of Magzter.

For those seeking a more budget-friendly option, Magzter Gold Lite is the perfect choice. With this subscription, you can access five of the 7,500 magazines available on the platform for an entire year. Surprisingly, the price of this monthly subscription is just a fraction higher than the individual cost of a magazine. This makes Magzter Gold Lite an excellent value proposition, enabling you to explore a curated selection of magazines without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, Magzter has revolutionized the way we consume magazines, offering an unparalleled range of publications from across the globe. With its extensive collection of magazines, exclusive content, and latest news updates, Magzter ensures that you're always well-informed and entertained. Whether you opt for the comprehensive Magzter Gold subscription or the cost-effective Magzter Gold Lite, one thing is certain—Magzter provides a passport to a world of knowledge and discovery

More Information

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  • Requires Android

    Android 5+ (Lollipop SDK 21)

  • Architecture

    arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a

  • Permissions

  • Signature
